For Who?

Kanban Ease is usefull for anyone or any organisation, that has typicall tasks in their workflow that are vital for success, yet not so much fun to do. Task that take litle time, yet quite a bit of focus. Many people resort to the usage of a personal To-do list, teams might resort to collaboration via Trello, and larger organisations often use Jira, Microsoft Azure as a collaboration tool.

And mind you, these tools enable you too keep track of the work at hand, the status and all identified jobs to be done. They often enable you to manage this workflow somewhat (allthough that tends to become to complex very soon). Yet verry little automation is offered.

What if you were to have a tool in which you could easily automate those tiny little tasks that take up so much of your focus? You know, like, when you have an item you are working on, and that when you move that ticket to the next collumn, you can automate the system to instantly logg the amount of time that was actually spent on said ticket? Or, when you are in sales, when you move a ticket from potential prospect to prospect after a succesfull pitch (because you were focussed), and the follow-up email would be available as a draft, including your slidedeck?

And remember, this is just the stuff we were able to think about… So if you are curious, download the app and toy with it, make sure to join the community and provide us with your feedback and funtional request! Together we can enable true focus on servicing our customers and making our businesses thrive!