Kanban Ease

because entrepeneurs hate the distraction of teadious jobs

As an Entrepeneur, you work from a passion, an idea or even a certain belief. Unfortunately, building, developing and hopefully expanding your business comes with knarly tasks, that take up a lot of your time and energy. How about if we help you automate your tedious jobs, without loosing control of the work at hand. Just small and simple steps that enable you to speed up your business?

Kanban Ease is not just another board tool with tickets and fancy backgrounds. We aim to take it a step further. We wish to challenge the status quo of these tools. As we start small, we will have the basic features available. Enabling you to design your own workprocesess. Including the ability to create distinction between workprocesses based upon product or service types. Each of them with their own specific criteria and statusses. And the real gamechanger we wish to provide is that you can create your own specific automations without the need to be able to program or even understand computers.